
Search "user:qwd1609"

30 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - I need help, please; i'm suffering a lot#9

@earlpurple said in #7: > They would mark for any kind of external assistance during a game. > Why do you think it's ok to use any kind of checker? > > Even having a written sheet of paper in front of…

General Chess Discussion - I need help, please; i'm suffering a lot#6

@earlpurple said in #4: > You say used chessvision AI, is that something you used to help in a game? In which case yes you have cheated. > > You say your accounts were closed or they were marked? In w…

General Chess Discussion - I need help, please; i'm suffering a lot#2

im going to cry if i lose another account LICHESS IS THE ONLY GOOD CHESS WEBSITE

General Chess Discussion - I need help, please; i'm suffering a lot#1

I admit, i made a troll post on the forums, maybe twice and used chessvision AI maybe once. I closed my account and reverted to my old ones, it got closed ASAP, within twenty minutes. I also admit tha…

Off-Topic Discussion - If you could have any superpower, which superpower would it be, and whyyy?#47

You do not want to have immortality You will see everyone around you die. You do not want to have the power to read minds What if your get to know something that destroys you from the inside "You don'…

Off-Topic Discussion - 真情像草原广阔 层层风雨不能阻隔 总有云开 日出时候 万丈阳光照亮你我 真情像梅花开遍#19

@natbee56 我什么时候打广告了

Off-Topic Discussion - Dear kids of "generation z"#1

I want to tell you something from the bottom of my heart. something in my guts tells me that we're going the wrong way. I know, the world is a mess and you are young and have no clue what to do, what …

Off-Topic Discussion - 真情像草原广阔 层层风雨不能阻隔 总有云开 日出时候 万丈阳光照亮你我 真情像梅花开遍#1

冷冷冰雪不能掩没 就在最冷 枝头绽放 看见春天走向你我 雪花飘飘北风啸啸 天地一片苍茫 一剪寒梅 傲立雪中 只为伊人飘香 爱我所爱无怨无悔 此情长留 心间

Off-Topic Discussion - tiktok#64

People stop it with the tiktok is trash and LeArN EnGliSh I also like tiktok but some are just pure cringe And learning english does not make you all powerful You are the dumb person here if you don't…

General Chess Discussion - OMG!#14

Dude even i beat her
