
真情像草原广阔 层层风雨不能阻隔 总有云开 日出时候 万丈阳光照亮你我 真情像梅花开遍

Now I understand how difficult is to learn chinese or japenese language . It's so confusing!
@dvg11 I might be wrong (pls correct if so) but I THINK that japanese at least has a non kanji (with letters) language as well?
I have just started learning japanese and that's what took from it. Again, pls correct me if im wrong. (:
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I think you're right . But both are still confusing chinese is more harder I think than japenese . But japenese is also hard I heard you have to learn thousands of words before becoming fluent .
yup, but the kanji is the same for chinese and japanese, or at least very similar

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