
Dear kids of "generation z"

I want to tell you something from the bottom of my heart. something in my guts tells me that we're going the wrong way.
I know, the world is a mess and you are young and have no clue what to do, what to think or what to feel. I know, you seek a sense of unity, something to belong to, something to be part of.
We've lost God, spirituality, a lot of our nature (shinto) is gone, families are chaotic and mostly not providing you with a feeling of security and love. Nor does anything in the working world.
So I can acknowledge that your way of 'escaping' this mess are jokes (mostly jokes at the expense of others, e.g. white moms, white girls , etc.) and you think you've achieved something being part of a sarcastic meme culture. Though with all my honesty, this is nothing more than a dead end.
While you are joking to cope with the stress and insecurity within your very hearts, the world and your fellow race is being exploited, tortured (mentally and physically), and wasted away in a huge hamster wheel designed to steal your very last drop of soul. Even if you came here with good intentions, you will waste your life and energy away by constantly joking, taking nothing seriously and by that, feeding more and more lifes and souls to the few evil ones on this planet.
We will all pass away one day, so does everything in nature, spring brings life and winter takes it away. Seeing a plum tree blossom in winter is a picture of hope and solitude at the same time. It's a powerful picture, a spiritual one.
What I'm saying is, eventhough you might feel something good while joking, being edgy . In the end, all this sarcasm and all the joking is leading nowhere.
What this world really needs, and here I'm counting on all of you young people, are morals and values by which you can live, stand, and by which you feel that you're controlling your very own lifes while fighting what is wrong with this world.Veracity, courage, honour, humility, moderation, benevolence, and patiance can all be good guides on your journey through life in this strange world.

As Carl Gustav Jung (1875 - 1961), a Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist who founded analytic psychology once said: "the goal of life should be to integrate all parts of your psyche (desired and unwanted aspects equally), with the ultimate goal of becoming a full personality ". To achieve this, you can start by finding good values already living inside of yourself, by which you can stand, live and, if necessary, die.
If you manage to free yourself from worldy and egocentric incentives, you will experience a sense of freedom and wholeness, neither money nor fame can ever bring to your life.
If we, the people on earth, can bring forth enough good spirits and souls on this planet, we have the chance to hit critical mass and take over the world with a force stronger than any army or government can ever become. We will follow in footsteps of teachers like Jesus, Buddha and many others, reclaiming what once was rightfully ours. We will make right what has been made wrong. We will flip the world upside down and, eventually, establish heaven on earth.

If you've read this far, I want to thank you btw, and you feel that this is something you want to live up to as well, then turn the switch and start today.
Be your own caring mother and father, teach yourself good values and cultivate them day by day. Connect to others if you're having a bad day, or take a moment and just sit somewhere peacefully in nature and let the good thoughts blossom in your heart, may it be winter or spring, if you're reading this, you're exactly where you need to be right now in your life. C. G. Jung called this: (you might have already heard this before) Synchronicity .
Whoever you are, I am with you, you are not alone, not isolated and not lost.
Give yourself an honourable direction and follow it, step by step, day by day and you won't be disappointed about the miracle that will occur to you.
well yes i read
he means well
there are too many bullies in the world
If you are too lazy to read I suggest you should be too lazy to post as well.
Actually, I joke to cope with the fact that the world and my fellow race is being exploited, tortured, and wasted away in a huge hamster wheel.
Ok I think that was the most #1 BS thing I have ever read in the forums.
And yes, I read the whole thing.

As a Millenial I can tell you that it is my generation that is the problem, not X or Z.

Gen Z are actually a very mature, decent group who have had to grow up during tough psychological times.

Life goes in cycles;

Hard times create strong men,
strong men create good times,
good times create weak men,
and weak men create hard times.”

It's pretty obvious which generations are which.

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