
I need help, please; i'm suffering a lot

I admit, i made a troll post on the forums, maybe twice and used chessvision AI maybe once. I closed my account and reverted to my old ones, it got closed ASAP, within twenty minutes.

I also admit that i've made multiple, maybe 5 accounts with the same username.
Does that mean i'm not allowed to play on lichess anymore? i've never cheated, nor have i insulted anyone

Please revert my account bans for i love lichess :(
im going to cry if i lose another account LICHESS IS THE ONLY GOOD CHESS WEBSITE
You say used chessvision AI, is that something you used to help in a game? In which case yes you have cheated.

You say your accounts were closed or they were marked? In which case you go to

Making troll posts on the forums would get you chat-banned (muted) but not banned from playing, or get your acconts closed. They are separate bans.

Having more than one account itself is not enough to get a ban here, I think, but it may well depend on why you have more one account. If they play rated against each other, to boost the rating of one of them, for example. Or both join the same team and play in the same team battle..

If you have 2 accounts so you can use one to cheat whilst playing fair on the other, you may also find they'll ban both. I guess a lot of people have tried that.
@Dmitri_Fatkin said in #3:
> There's nothing the readers can do about it, account issues should be resolved privately via Appeal page:

You do know, by the way, you are marked? OP is not at this point, but may be soon if this is a duplicate of a banned account.
@earlpurple said in #4:
> You say used chessvision AI, is that something you used to help in a game? In which case yes you have cheated.
> You say your accounts were closed or they were marked? In which case you go to
> Making troll posts on the forums would get you chat-banned (muted) but not banned from playing, or get your acconts closed. They are separate bans.
> Having more than one account itself is not enough to get a ban here, I think, but it may well depend on why you have more one account. If they play rated against each other, to boost the rating of one of them, for example. Or both join the same team and play in the same team battle..
> If you have 2 accounts so you can use one to cheat whilst playing fair on the other, you may also find they'll ban both. I guess a lot of people have tried that.

they don't mark for chessvision, i used it to check the game very early on; and i haven't cheated on any account, i've just made 6 accounts and i closed one and went to the others, i've lost 2 accounts like this, they're going to close this.
They would mark for any kind of external assistance during a game.
Why do you think it's ok to use any kind of checker?

Even having a written sheet of paper in front of you with your prepared lines would be illegal. I wonder if anything like that (with some kind of special encoding) has ever been tried in OTB chess? (When you think about it, someone could put some kind of dot patterns printed onto their shirt that nobody else would comprehend but they would, indicating what moves to play in certain lines)
@earlpurple said in #7:
> They would mark for any kind of external assistance during a game.
> Why do you think it's ok to use any kind of checker?
> Even having a written sheet of paper in front of you with your prepared lines would be illegal. I wonder if anything like that (with some kind of special encoding) has ever been tried in OTB chess? (When you think about it, someone could put some kind of dot patterns printed onto their shirt that nobody else would comprehend but they would, indicating what moves to play in certain lines)
no, after it said cheat detected, i played another round of blitz and my opponent wasn't marked; they're closing all my accounts
"Cheat detected" script places an account into "potential engine users" players pool only after it's been triggered more than 2 times.

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