
Search "user:SPECTRUM_OW"

13 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is it just me or do any of you French defense players hate the exchange variation?#1

Is it just me or do any of you French defense players hate the exchange variation?

General Chess Discussion - Is Alphazero coming to lichess?#1

Is Alphazero coming to lichess?

General Chess Discussion - The French and The Caro-Kann Opinions?#1

I used to be a Najdorf player,now I am a caro-kann/French player what are your opinions on these openings?

General Chess Discussion - (opinion) Why are lichess rating so Strange#4

Im not saying Glicko 2 is bad it's just completely different to the elo system

General Chess Discussion - (opinion) Why are lichess rating so Strange#3

I disagree completely there is no direct proportion so lichess to fide are very hard to estimate

General Chess Discussion - (opinion) Why are lichess rating so Strange#1

IDK how to phrase this but I think lichess should use a different rating than Glicko-2 a 1500 player can either be a Class B player (fide) Or a class A for example a 2000 rated player could be a Class…

General Chess Discussion - My best game ever#2

It wasn't bad tactically the problem was when he played b6 you should have immediately took control the center with e4 and then play nf3 and develop my peices but that was not bad.

General Chess Discussion - How do i become a CM#9

Yes your'e right the problem is playing long time contorls on lichess often means your'e facing players who cheat and don't know openings.So it throw away the point.

General Chess Discussion - How do i become a CM#2

Can someone tell me my weaknesses?

General Chess Discussion - How do i become a CM#1

I am a 1500 lichess player although i play more like a 1800 player mostly due to my knowledge of openings.