
How do i become a CM

I am a 1500 lichess player although i play more like a 1800 player mostly due to my knowledge of openings.
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°Practice and Practice ,
°But this doesn't means that you'll burden up your mind , I usually see that when people have played long and when they loose then they keep on getting lost , i.e.
1. Play chess with fresh mind .
2. Analyse each game after you complete it , try using puzzle option for each game ( also see blunders , mistakes and all ) .
°Don't play Bullet and Blitz , as it will make you habituate play faster time controls and you would be able to think..... i.e.
3. Play slower time controls ( Rapid - 10% < Classical - 90% ) even I prefer to play correspondence games .
4. Try preferring some books!
If you really want to become a CM ( Candidate Master ) then you may need to do this , and also
°Don't Fully rely on computer assistance for analysing better moves , use your brain also!
Have Fun!!!
@DrZwischenzug CM should be more like 2500+ but yeah that's more or less right. If you want to become a CM, play 1h games or more and do puzzles. Don't learn opening theory before you reach 1800. Learning endgames might be useful to learn at 2200+. At your level do puzzles and a lot of them.
To be CM, reach 2200 Elo and open your wallet. It's a title created to bring more money to Fide (world chess federation) without giving much meaning to the title - until online chess communities provided it with some benefits like Titled Tuesdays. Which is why most 2200-players don't bother buying it - unless they drop below 2200 and get it as proof they were once 2200+.

Nowadays it's also used as extra prizes in some Fide junior tms, which is why you sometimes see very lowrated players (like 1200-1400!) with CM before their name.

I think there's also a time limit how long you can be below the limit after having reached it and still get the title, maybe 1-2 years or is it longer?
@SPECTRUM_OW try playing longer time controls like 15+ rapid and classical games. Blitz and bullet games are not enough to find your weaknesses.
U have to contest elections. If people like ur propaganda, ull soon become the chief minister (CM) of ur state
Yes your'e right the problem is playing long time contorls on lichess often means your'e facing players who cheat and don't know openings.So it throw away the point.

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