
(opinion) Why are lichess rating so Strange

IDK how to phrase this but I think lichess should use a different rating than Glicko-2 a 1500 player can either be a Class B player (fide) Or a class A for example a 2000 rated player could be a Class A player A CM or play like they are slightly new to chess.Ratings to skill levels are very incosistent on lichess Who agrees?
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I disagree completely there is no direct proportion so lichess to fide are very hard to estimate
Im not saying Glicko 2 is bad it's just completely different to the elo system
Or perhaps FIDE should change to Glicko 2 :). This page makes some good points about why Glicko is used ... Yes you can't directly compare FIDE ratings and lichess as they are A) Different pool of players and B) use different systems. Also, Glicko 2 most accurately predicts the outcome of games which is the whole point of a rating system.
Actually, Elo and Glicko-2 are very similar in their meaning. A certain rating difference means a certain expectation value for the game result. A difference of 100 points means the higher rated is expected to win 0.64 points in a game, the lower one 0.36.
Absolute numbers have basically no meaning, neither in Elo nor in Glicko-2. Any meaning of we assign to a pure number is a result of a comparison with players whose numbers and strengths we know.
Like most things in life once you understand them, they cease to appear strange. @sheckley666 words which are 100% accurate is a good start to understanding.

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