
The French and The Caro-Kann Opinions?

I used to be a Najdorf player,now I am a caro-kann/French player what are your opinions on these openings?
I like the Najdorf
Caro-Kann is OK
French should be illegal

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In my opinion French is better to use. Sure, your light squared bishop might not be a good attacker sometimes, but it's a precious defender of the pawn chain and sometimes the king. And in return you get to constantly attack White's center without losing time messing around with your light squared bishop. In Caro-Kann you spend more time saving your light squared bishop than developing your pieces. I have scored better with French compared to Caro-Kann, both online and OTB, against a wide range of opponents (from beginners up to top player level).
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I like to think of the French as an opening that has a lot of energy/steam/boost, but if it runs out of energy/steam/boost, black will suffocate to death, with the poor light-squared bishop, and a space-disadvantage.

I like to think of the caro-kann as an opening with very slow development, were if black messes up a little bit, it can all fall apart quickly, but were all the pieces are good, and there aren't really any really-weak-squares.

I play the caro-kann, but I think I would play the French if the exchange French just didn't exist.
Because I like the way the French strikes the center. And I think the light-squared bishop being inside the pawn-chain makes pawn-f6 a playable move for black to apply more pressure on whites center, whereas, if it was outside the pawn-chain on (For example) h7, or traded off, it wouldn't be able to defend the e6 pawn, and the e6 pawn would be insanely weak.

Just some thoughts.
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I think the Caro-kann is a really easy game for white. Black has no chances whatsoever and white has a space advantage. The french is decent, but it can leaf to a slightly better position for white.
#6 In exchange french you can strike with c5 or go for opposite side castling if you want to make it more imbalanced. See Stefano Tatai-Viktor Korchnoi (1978).
Hate playing against the Caro-Kann as White. In too many of the lines White has a small edge but Black's position is ultra-solid and its very hard for White to exploit the edge. Not for nothing did Karpov play the CK as Black.

Now I tend to play the Advanced against the Caro and treat it in a similar way and pawn structure to playing the Advanced against the French.

But in both, if it gets to an endgame, Black is probably better....

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