
Search "user:KiaanTheChessPlayer"

18 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Repeating CAPTCHA.#7

But maybe Lichess can make different easy ones to make sure it doesn't get boring.

General Chess Discussion - Repeating CAPTCHA.#1

Has anybody noticed that when you need to answer the CAPTCHA puzzle before you can post on a forum, you almost always need to figure out the Scholar's Mate? It would be more interesting if Lichess wer…

Game analysis - The worst mate that can happen to you#18

Pretty good checkmate. I bet black would feel pretty stupid after that loss.

Game analysis - Another Queen Sacrifice#5

Really great sacrifice! Knowing your opponent would fall for it because almost everybody would fall for a queen sacrifice. Really great!

General Chess Discussion - Candidates over as the Candidate is found: Round 13 report#69

Has anyone noticed that there haven't been many checkmates in the tournament. Most of the time it is just draws or resignation.

General Chess Discussion - Why is this not a draw??#11

It's a draw. White cannot checkmate black with only a queen. It is insufficient material. It is supposed to be a draw.

General Chess Discussion - Candidates over as the Candidate is found: Round 13 report#53

Nepo vs Carlsen. Best of 14. Can't wait for November!

General Chess Discussion - Lichess OTB Mode#18

So would I.

General Chess Discussion - Lichess OTB Mode#15

The board geometry doesn't have effect on the OTB feeling. You can still pre-move, even though in the article it said you can't. You can also click a piece, but it doesn't lock and you can move anothe…

Off-Topic Discussion - I'm leaving Lichess#37

God. I already knew this was a prank before you posted this video. I just looked at your profile and saw "Online 8 minutes ago". Haha. Good try though. "leaving for personal reasons". SMIRK!! (Sorry i…
