
I'm leaving Lichess

I decided to announce it at midnight cos I thought that was the best time to do so. When I was creating this topic, I couldn't stop myself from laughing and I'm still laughing right now. I've been waiting for MONTHS for April Fools Day to come. I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying.

Be honest, who took that seriously?
I'll reply to some people. @EASON10 And you are....


Look. I get MORE than enough attention that I don't even expect to get on the site, I don't make forum posts to get attention and I'm actually, believe it or not, AGAINST those kinds of people on the site. I just wanted to have a laugh, don't take it seriously. I've been waiting ages for April Fools to happen, don't put a wet blanket on the joke.

Oh, and @idiote I joined in September 2019, ShootingStar34 is one of a kind. I don't make alts, can't risk it.

@SAMUEL456789 It's obviously a prank.

@noo-you Yeah lol.
FYI April Foolery ceases at 12:00 noon on the day.When this thread was created,it was already April 2nd in a large segment of the planet.

"... I don't make forum posts to get attention and I'm actually, believe it or not, AGAINST those kinds of people on the site. "
God. I already knew this was a prank before you posted this video. I just looked at your profile and saw "Online 8 minutes ago". Haha. Good try though. "leaving for personal reasons". SMIRK!! (Sorry if this is offensive)
@bunyip I'm fully aware of that, for me it just seemed like the right time.

- "... I don't make forum posts to get attention and I'm actually, believe it or not, AGAINST those kinds of people on the site. "

It's true, check my posts.

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