
Search "user:kenzaburo"

290 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - If you were in Nepo's shoes right now, what would you do?#6

Review Magnuses blunders, find a pattern, go for similar positions, maybe even include bullet, blitz and rapid. It's played until 7.5, there is still room for maneuver, if instead Nepo it was Stockfis…

General Chess Discussion - W.C. Game 2 discussion thread#4

@Sarg0n #2 Maybe Nepo has no hurry to win in the Classical part, he is waiting for obvious blunders like in his last Classical win against Carlsen. Or maybe he prefers to win in the Rapid part.

General Chess Discussion - What is your co-ordinates average?#6

30.5 black 33.5 white

General Chess Discussion - Super GM#6

From my limited experience (1 or 2 games in bullet) they much more technical and subtle.

Game analysis - Is it possibile to break through this fortress?#5

King gets to a3, via d7, c6, c5 and b4. And the result gets 0-1.

General Chess Discussion - Was Bobby Fischer right about this?#2

He was right. Given enough training hours, getting good at tactics first. Then building a decent opening repertoire. And knowing rook endgames reasonably well, make a master. Maybe 5000-6000 hours of …

Game analysis - How do you look for advantage with the spanish game?#5

Carlsen switched to GP, and Kramnik too...

Lichess Feedback - Problem difficulty bug#3

I've been solving them on parallel on a different website, without any improvement there. So I tend to think some sort of inflation or something happened here.

Lichess Feedback - Problem difficulty bug#1

Hi. I've been experiencing this issue since almost a month. The problems I am getting in the tactic trainer are easier than the ones I used to get previously for the same rating. Was there any adjustm…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess' puzzles are shit#6

@Psyman2 What is the thing that you dislike about the puzzles: the tactical themes, the logic behind them, the puzzles that are about material winning, etc.? I like the puzzles on lichess. They freque…
