
Search "user:dampooo"

192 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - 2800 as a 1600 FIDE player. What's next?#15

bullet chess otb is totally different from bulletchess on the computer. You can be a quick god otb and a slow mouse player. Also no pre-move and you can see the move the other player plays. Totally di…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess Game of the Month April - Contest#154

Very sharp opening with double pawn sac. Some interesting tactics and a nice mate.

General Chess Discussion - compliments to anti cheat team.#1

It has been a long time i played cheaters but today 2x . The first i reported took less than 1 min to be banned and the other 1 also very quickly.

General Chess Discussion - Mouse killcount#14

i am in good company. At least 3 mouses .

General Chess Discussion - Why noone wants to play long time control chess 960?#6

although also some times long wait times between games there is a daily 960 tournament. Every day different time control and once a week long game. 15+10 or 10+5.

General Chess Discussion - If you're not a titled player, people will assume you're just salty.#28

Made an analyse why i think he is not cheating. It is possible that the admin have more info about this player why he is banned d for cheating. Look at a ga…

General Chess Discussion - If you're not a titled player, people will assume you're just salty.#21

actually i reported quite a lot of players succesfully but i do not think this is typical cheater behaviour. He plays some bad moves. He thinks long for the winnning move this can be calculated. Rosse…

General Chess Discussion - Kramnick's Current Study Of Cheating In On-Line Chess#54

personally i think Kramnik role is a punching back for other high level GM who want to address the cheating. will update later: - Talk Kramnik down. Good chess player not a statistician. - We have bee…

Game analysis - Mate Monday#1

The goal is to mate on every square on the board, Games are not material focussed. Mate on h1. Nice not so solid queen sac. (mate with rook) popular square but nice …

Game analysis - nice endgae from hz chess tournament. Black play and win.#1

chapter 2
