
Running Your Chess Club Online

I am a member of a team.

If a post is made to my teams forum will I be notified? For instance, the team leader is announcing via the forum that a team tournement will be held on such and such day?
All is well, the problem is when you have a student that joins your class.
Say your the teacher (A) and student (B)
When A posts a new topic in the forum or the lichess class and B is using lichess app in PC he cannot receive any notifications.
@FortressForchess If you type the @ sign and the nickname in a post without spaces in between, you can write directly to the person. He then gets a message that he was mentioned in a post. If you type the @ sign, a menu with the nicknames that have already posted something in the thread will also open. You can then simply select the addressee of the message. This also works when you type in several nicknames one after the other. But before the respective nickname must be the @ sign!
As I did in this message!
Hello, is there a way to divide players into sections when running a tournament? is there a way around it? i.e. running multiple tournaments
Also, if I want to use a swiss system software to run a tournament, how will the pairings work?
Hi, i want to play with my friends some tournament, what should i do?
My team is Doggy Friends Beer
@FortressForchess My pleasure! This also works if you type in the nicknames with @ sign somewhere in the text. The names also do not have to be typed in one after the other.

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