
Only playing chess when you're very drunk.

Does anyone else do this? For years now I can only play when I'm very drunk, like half a bottle or 5-6 beers and then having a coffee. Then I play for 12-30 hours while continuing to drink.
No, my rating falls apart when I play drunk which is just another regret after I sober up again.
30 hours ! Don't u go to toilet

Well I am 16 so no question about drinking now but I won't drink ever I don't want to make my stomach bad on my own hands
These type of topics are crazy....shouldn't be discussed.....should be closed by mods!
I feel more relaxed when I'm playing like this, I'm playing on chesscom right now (don't hate me), but it doesn't seem to affect my chess negatively. I only play very badly when i'm extremely tired. Edit: And no lol of course I take breaks and go to the bathroom, but I just can't stop playing once I start.
Check out this game I played, I don't even remember playing it.

Well if my chess looks like I'm drunk does it count?

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