
Should Fide add more titles above 2500 elo?

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Making more titles is basically inflation -they just decrease in value until they are all worthless. No point really.
>New titles would just be considered as an attempt to get money.
>2700 should be an SGM, a super grandmaster. Nothing else.
>Really strong GMs don’t really care about their elo or title, because it will give them nothing.
>so it would be an interesting idea, but there are many arguments against it so it probably shouldn’t be added. It would be virtually useless.
@TheChessPlayer21 said in #14:
> Making more titles is basically inflation -they just decrease in value until they are all worthless. No point really.
Suppose the GM title didn't exist and everyone at the top were called IMs, would you have said the same thing? Would adding a GM title have been inflation too?
@M-Mohebi said in #17:
> @TheChessPlayer21 said in #14:
> Making more titles is basically inflation -they just decrease in value until they are all worthless. No point really.
> Suppose the GM title didn't exist and everyone at the top were called IMs, would you have said the same thing? Would adding a GM title have been inflation too?

Yeah, but the GM title would be practical, but adding more GM achievements makes it less useful...
@JanMur7 said in #15:
> Really strong GMs don’t really care about their elo or title, because it will give them nothing.

What are you basing this on really? Higher ele gets you invited to more tournament with higher prize funds. Apart from that, by having a GM title you can get more students with higher fees; you can sell your books and instructional materials easily, you get more job offers, more followers in channels etc.
#18 Then we can call them SM (super master) and the problem is solved :)

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