
Crazy gambit against Philidor defense

This position is equal, but black has to be very careful finding only moves to keep his chances
# 1 interesting line remind me a bit of 1d4 Nf6 2c4 e6 3a3 c5 4dxc5 Bxc5 5b4 Bxf2+ 6Kxf2 Ne4+ 7Kf3 Qf6+8Kxe4 Qxa1 king in the center and also a move with the pawn on the flank 3a3 like in the 3..h6 line.
But to bad on depth 41 i see that 9..Nf6 10f4+ Kd4 11Nxc3 Kc5 12Be3+ Kc5 13Nb5 Nb5 nice move white got a crushing attack. 11..d5 12Be3+ comes anyway and if 10.. Kxe4 11Nc3+ Kf5 12g4+ white got a winning advantage a pity such kind of line with a king on e5 would def try that line in a casual game vs someone untill i notice due analyses white is winning on higher depth :).

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