Donate : play chess variants

It is not clear that a long leaper can move more than one square and then capture. (draught is played with different rules in different regions around the world). Otherwise this is interresting.
Hey i noticed you added grand chess 10x10!
And there were people online :D

still id be nice to play computer while waiting for humans cos i dont feel like being idle very long^^

Also i promoted on the 8th rank? could promote to knight bishop or pawn and pawn moves backward again. not sure here :)

(this -might- be the game dont have fen :/)
1.e5 Na8 2.Cb3 f7 3.Mg3 c6 4.Qg4 i7 5.Qg7 h8 6.Qxf7 Bf9 7.Qf3 Mi9 8.Cg8 Mxg8 9.Mxg8 Kg10 10.Mxh10 Kxh10 11.Qxf9 j7 12.Qxe10 Ki9 13.Qxd9 Nb8 14.Qg6 Nc7 15.c5 Bc9 16.Qxg9 Ki10 17.Bh7 Rj8 18.Bg8 Kj10 19.Qh10 Kj9 20.Bh7 Ri8 21.Qh9 Kj10 22.Bxi8 Nd5 23.Qj9

"It is not clear that a long leaper can move more than one square and then capture"
--> Yes sorry I wrote the rules quite fast. I'll clarify this. (However, I'm pretty sure that international draughts on a 10x10 board have just one official rule :) )

"still id be nice to play computer while waiting for humans"
--> You can ! It was one of the first features ^^ Even if you started an Atomic game (for example) and open a new tab, you'll get a warning "you already play in another tab!" but can dismiss the message and play against a bot. But if your opponent is dead, you can also resign :/

"Also i promoted on the 8th rank?"
--> Promotion is optional on 8th and 9th rank, mandatory on 10th rank. That's why you can choose a pawn. Besides, you can only promote into a piece that was captured (by your opponent).
I think I found a bug: Shound't the ninth black move take a pincer by pincering it between the moving cameleon and a pincer?

[Site ""]
[Variant "Ultima"]
[Date "2018-12-15"]
[White "Anonymous"]
[Black "Myself"]
[FenStart "kqbbrmnn/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/KMNNQBBR 0000"]
[Fen "k2br1nn/qpp5/6pp/p3p1P1/Nm1p1pb1/P1NP1P2/1PM2B1P/K3QB1R 0000"]
[Result "0-1"]

1.Pf2f3 Pa7a5 2.Bf2 Ph7h6 3.Pc2c4 Pg7g6 4.Nc3 Pf7f5 5.Pd2d3 Pe7e5 6.Na4 Mb4 7.Mc2 Pd7d4X 8.Pe2e4 Pf5f4X 9.Pg2g5 Bg4 10.Pa2a3 Qa7

1.f2f3 a7a5 2.g1f2 h7h6 3.c2c4 g7g6 4.c1c3 f7f5 5.d2d3 e7e5 6.d1a4 f8b4 7.b1c2 d7d4 8.e2e4 f5f4 9.g2g5 c8g4 10.a2a3 b8a7

and while we are at this I came from a CPU game had already moved without doing anything and 3 knights instead of 2 and a queen

[Site ""]
[Variant "Atomic"]
[Date "2018-12-15"]
[White "Myself"]
[Black "Anonymous"]
[FenStart "nrkrbnqb/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/QRKNRBBN 1111"]
[Fen "nrkrb1qb/p1pppp1p/Bp4p1/8/3PPn2/1N4N1/PPP2PPP/1RKNR1B1 1111"]
[Result "1-0"]

1.Nb3 b6 2.Ng3 g6 3.d4 Ne6 4.e4 Nf4 5.Ba6

1.a1b3 b7b6 2.h1g3 g7g6 3.d2d4 f8e6 4.e2e4 e6f4 5.f1a6

Good luck
To your first question: no, because to capture (a pawn) as a pincer, the chameleon must move as a pincer. In this example it moves diagonally.

The last example is quite weird because the FEN is good (queen at a1) but is transformed into a knight... I'll have a look, should be easy to fix. But since I'm doing some big changes to the website - to allow publish and solving problems - I cannot do it right now.

EDIT: ahhh I fear that the problem comes from the fact that the AI plays the move after a human game is started... So OK I can fix that now :)

true that you can lobby while playing AI, which is an excellent option! Not sure if you can return to the AI game afterwards?

Also i think there might be something wrong with the PGN/FEN output.
The starting position (960) isnt recognized and sometimes i cant import the game even after fixing the fen. Itd be nice to have this working properly again:)

Next time i come across ill send a bug report
"Not sure if you can return to the AI game afterwards?"
--> No you cannot, because "AI" games are not considered as interesting as games vs. humans (AI is just basic shallow alphabeta search... it may appear to play not that bad in some variants but only because we are not used to these variants :) ). If at some point I can improve the AI level then I'll reconsider that, but for the moment AI moves are just slightly above random play. Yes I know I struggle in Alice and Ultima at least. But Alice is depth 3 search and Ultima depth 2... ^^

EDIT: I think i'll change that anyway, soon. Despite AI level, it would be more logical. When a human game begins, store current computer game state. When it's over, pressing "new computer game" should continue from the stored state.
Re-EDIT: well I'm really not sure. It adds complexity for too little gain I think.

"The starting position (960) isnt recognized"
--> What do you mean ? Recognized by a software ? Yes the FEN lacks the final "moves counts" + enPassant square, things like that because I didn't need it. But I'm adding problems, which will require something like that. But most probably not moves counters. So it may remain not compatible (but you can add the missing FEN data easily; I'd be curious to see cases where you cannot fix the FEN).

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