
Share Your Opening Repertoire! :D

With white both-footed (1.e4 and d4/Nf3/c4), with black c6/c5 as well as g6-systems against 1.e4, against 1.d4 KID besides NID/Bogo/QID.
1.e4 followed by:
...e5: Scotch
...e6: Advance or 2.Nc3
...c5: Open Sicilian / whatever comes into my head. Usually g4 at some point...
...c6: 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5 4.h4

Against 1.e4: French - ...Qxd5 vs Tarrasch, ...Nf6 vs Nc3, ...Nc6 / ...Bd7 vs e5, early ...c5 vs Exchange
Against 1.d4: Grunfeld
Against 1.c4 / Nf3: as close to a Grunfeld as I can get...
White: Always London system (2.Bf4) against same or stronger players than me and e4 (fried liver) against weaker opponents
Black: using sicilian as main weapon and French as secondary against e4
caro kann against d4
Against 1. d4: Nimzo / Queen's Indian.
Against 1. e4: Caro Kann if I want sthg asymmetrical, otherwise 1...e5 mainlines.

Recently switched to: 1. Nf3 followed by 2. e3, 2. b3 or 2. c4 (or 2. d3 against the Dutch), intending to get an Anglo-Slav or reversed Nimzo / Queen's Indian. (Occasionally I will also go into a reversed Blumenfeld Gambit.)
Alternatively (used to play this all the time): 1. e4 mainlines (Ruy Lopez, Open Sicilian, 3. Nc3 against French & Caro Kann).
White: I play the London system 1.d4 1.d5 2.bf4 if g6 i play nc3 and try to push e4

Black : 1.e4 1.e6 The French
: 1.d4 1.d5

I'm a fairly new player, started chess 6 months ago. I don't really like to study opening so yeah it's fairly limited.

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