
Are there any popular courses or sites when you can learn specifically chess variants?

Hi, I enjoy playing variants and some of them are really funny :) I am wondering, do you know some free good sites when you can learn to play those? I am wondering cause most of my recent games in horde (I don't know if it is really higher than 50%, but it is really much) are versus players who are for example 1400 bullet and blitz, but top 200 horde with silly 2100 rank. When I am checking analysys after a game I can see that they are doing zero mistakes and I wonder (and maybe that question should be real topic): Is it possible to be bad player (no offence low mmr friends :D ) at standard chess and godlike in for example horde? Cause if it is possible it must come from some special training and I would like to have access to it, i guess it is not like "oh i can't play chess but horde is so easy game".
Hi Kuphel,
You can also look up Horde studies here on Lichess and alos check out Youtube videos.
But I don't think that Horde is an especially easy form of chess that you can master by learning a few easy tricks. I do wonder about players who have vast rating disparities between regular chess and Horde as well,
@Kuphel said in #5:
> @NimzoCanadian could you recommend some studies on lichess to learn basic ideas how to win as white?

One I was just looking at is called Horde Tactical Motifs. It looks at some basic tactical themes from both the white and black perspective.

I like it and think that it's helpful, although it doesn't say what you are aiming for.

The YouTube video by ChessVibes is very good at talking about the most basic strategies for both sides. It just scratches the surface, but everyone starts at the surface.

And there is a blog that deals with various topics:
Here is my own understanding about the most basic goals from both sides. Random thoughts.
Black is trying to get a Queen or Rook onto the eighth rank as soon as possible. The Rook files are especially prone to this kind of incursion, but sometimes the breakthrough will occur on a central file or the Queen can pierce through on a diagonal.
White should defend against early breakthroughs and in the meantime be advancing the horde as a mass maintaining its integrity as much as possible. Launching a premature "attack" with the front pawns, without proper backup, will just result in the loss of pawns.
White's primary goal will be to Queen a pawn. Queening a pawn without immediately losing it will almost certainly result in a win.
It always depends on the position, but generally Black should be happy to exchange a minor piece for two pawns while White should be happy to win a piece for a single pawn. A Knight is still roughly equivalent to a Bishop. A Bishop is likely better in the end game.
In order to break through on a file, Black will often need to sacrifice a Rook for two or three pawns. This is worth it as long as the breakthrough actually occurs.
The breakthrough is important but it is not always decisive. White should be aware that the breakthrough is about to occur and be prepared to attack. To win, Black will often need to achieve the correct balance between gobbling up pawns on the back ranks against retreating the Queen to protect his own King. If Black does not achieve the break through early enough, his position will be hopeless.
A Rook is the best defender (after the Queen of course) and often best placed on the first rank for this purpose.
Part of maintaining the pawn horde is keeping it as wide as possible. A row of pawns five abreast on the sixth rank is formidable. When they are two abreast the King can handle them on his own.
Finally, the King is also a key defensive piece.
Hey Kuphel,
I should have checked out your rating BEFORE I wrote all that out. It seems like we are roughly equal strength at Horde and you likely know all that I wrote there already.
All the best in your career as a Hordista!

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