
What is the etiquette or protocol for when your opponent asks for a take back?

I am inclined to grant it when it is a lower level player or if the played move is obviously one square off from intended (mouse slip) but less so with players above 1600 or when a totally different piece is played. I would like to hear others ideas as I don’t want to be a jerk but don’t want to be taken advantage of either...
there is no real answer to this but my suggestion is if you want to be nice to accept the takeback if it is an obvious mouse slip (unless you are playing bullet) but not accepting them is more than fine too. it's just a game and they will get over it quickly enough :)
takebacks are designed due to opponent making a slip, so if its a blunder don't! if its slip, accept the takeback!
Well, I also accept takebacks against lower rated players and when it seems to be a mouseslip and also mouseslips against higher rated ones but not when higher rated players play a different move.
Also, I use the takeback option to trick my opponent's when I make a sacrifice that is sure to be played. If they reject takeback, then my sacrifice works as it makes them think that I blundered and if they accept takeback, then I re-ask for takeback multiple times until my opponent gets angry and refuses takeback so that my sacrifice works!
In a friendly casual unrated game, ok. If I am being randomly paired in a rated game, I don't ask for takebacks and I don't give them. Instead what I might do is if they fight back and show they are playing better moves I will add time to their clock. Either I have to prove I can win with whatever perceived handicap was given my way or I learn something and lose if they end up playing better than me.

Long story short, taking back a move is not necessarily the best thing for either side. Let's not forget poor little Christopher Yoo last year. He's young, he has plenty of wins ahead of him.

I'm inclined to accepting them just for the sake of the game and out of curiosity where it would go, since i don't really care that much about the +/- 5 points of rating per game. But if you take your game more seriously than me I get not accepting them

I'm also trash so who cares xd
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on smartphone slips happen, on desktop or tablet they basically dont exist. (€: rapid player here)

i will disable them right now, as my experience is that ur opponent blunders his queen and u let him take back then they wont give u the most obvious mouse slip 1 square off capture square.

€: also on smartphone screen u usually dont even see that opponent wants a takeback, so one more reason to disable it completely, makes u look less like a dick when u dont take back a slip

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