
Why Draw

Can somebody tell why this game suddenly ended in a draw? can't see that anyone made the same move tree times in a row or that he cant move anything? it also ended in a draw on my move (white) which I find odd?

Maybe its just me that cant see it?

If the same position occurs three times, it's a draw (this is called threefold repetition). The position after 21. Qf6 is the same as after 23. Be5 and as after 25. Kf8.
Well, I can answer such questions almost blindfold.

I click on the last move, the position 2 moves before and 4 moves before and in 90% of all cases it's the same position.

So concrete: move 25, 23, 21 is a threefold repetition.
Queen f6 king f8 were repeated three times. The same position needs to repeat three times not necessarily in a row
Ok seams i misunderstood that rule then.

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