
Tired of players insulting

I'm convinced now, being obsessed with etiquette is a mental illness. No wonder why so many chess greats went insane. Instead of leaving games or letting time run out purposely, grow up, you have no idea what your doing ;)
People are so thin-skinned now, and inclined to tattletale like schoolchildren at the slightest perceived offense. I told one guy, who kept resigning after any minor disadvantage, that he would never improve if he continued to resign like a sissy after every little disadvantage. He responded with a long lecture about how he was going to report me. I replied to go ahead and report me and give the moderators a laugh. He then wrote an even longer lecture blah blah about how I had allegedly violated the terms of service. The irony is, his whining more than confirmed the "sissy" designation.
Well then, how to disable the chat without disabling the inbox?
Low rated teenager can't stand losing and has to moan in chat. This is almost cute, if it was not sad.

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