
Is CM a joke title?

@Sarg0n there should be LM (People who have played for ages) and OM (opening master). What do you think?
Let's get rid of some other joke titles. President, VP, Assistant Director of ..., Division Officer, Captain, Department Head, CEO, COO, CFO, ...
Just in chess, let's get rid of the categorizes that separate us and the ratings that do the same.
CM = 2200
FM = 2300
IM = 2400
GM = 2500+

CM's are strong players, but not as strong as other Master titles.

A CM will still destroy 99% of players. However for a player like myself hovering around 2000 strength CM are nice to have around because I got a better shot against them than higher Master titles.

Anyways a title doesn't make you strong or weak. It's just a title. Just b/c you got some fancy title don't mean you don't gotta work hard for every win.
If OM was real, I could be one easily.
Analysed Traxler till move 40 ( Nxf7 line. Bxf7 is not worth analysing because black will always play the same moves. )
No it's not a joke title. It's nothing more than a classification of performance for those special guys on the far right of the bell curve.

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