
isn't this a draw?

No, because technically if Black plays horrible, White could checkmate and the rules state that if there is any way to lose, it is lost. If however, there was only 2 kings on the board, it would have been declared a draw.
<Comment deleted by user>
It’s not impossible to checkmate with a Knight if there is other material on the board. Black has a final pawn on the board, hence white is still theoretically able to win.
e1Q with an instant draw. Only move in case of time-out.
Would black not still lose in the event of being time flagged, even if he had Queened on e1?
<Comment deleted by user>
So provided the final black pawn is promoted to Queen, as opposed to being promoted to a Knight, then black does not lose when flagged?
If black did promote to Knight on e1, presumably he or she would still lose?

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