Hey guys, I wanted advice from strong players if they calculate using chess notation like c4 Kd3, etc in their mind or calculate as I go here he goes there, and so on? if you calculate using chess notation could you give me some advice on how I can also learn to calculate using chess notation? I don't face much problems in the standard calculation but when I solve endgame puzzles that are very long I feel lost because of my inferior way of calculation.
@furace said in #1:
> Hey guys, I wanted advice from strong players if they calculate using chess notation like c4 Kd3, etc in their mind or calculate as I go here he goes there, and so on? if you calculate using chess notation could you give me some advice on how I can also learn to calculate using chess notation? I don't face much problems in the standard calculation but when I solve endgame puzzles that are very long I feel lost because of my inferior way of calculation.
Not really. At least i don't. Just try visualizing better
> Hey guys, I wanted advice from strong players if they calculate using chess notation like c4 Kd3, etc in their mind or calculate as I go here he goes there, and so on? if you calculate using chess notation could you give me some advice on how I can also learn to calculate using chess notation? I don't face much problems in the standard calculation but when I solve endgame puzzles that are very long I feel lost because of my inferior way of calculation.
Not really. At least i don't. Just try visualizing better
Relieved to hear that. At least I'm not the only one.
Relieved to hear that. At least I'm not the only one.
You don’t use the notation consciously for calculating. In other words it’s useless in that sense.
okay :)
okay :)
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