
I hate pre-made moves (lol)

I am on the other side. I play bullet and I love pre-moves. However, I do thinking them only counting as 0.1 seconds is a bit unfair as I can play 10 of them in a row to your 1 second move.

They are a part internet chess and they are not going away though. Same on all the websites.

I assume you haven't played on ? lol. At least here it is one pre-move at a time. There you can play many pre-move combos and the player who is defending against a series of checks can't breathe.
u dont need a gaming mouse to play fast, i play with touchpad and generally i win by time, my internet connection isnt good too (is necesary on bullet/ultrabullet)
Pre- moves are good, is the same process than u do on ur brain, u make moves
"I don't like them because in the real physical world you cannot make them, so I don't understand why they have been introduced in the electronic chess world"

In the real world, you have to hit the chess clock, but you don't need to online. Does that mean we should get rid of clocks online? No. This argument doesn't make sense.

Pre-moves are nice in the endgame, and there's always a risk involved to them. It's also an art to predict your opponent's move, and pre-move accordingly.
Premove definitely takes away the need for a good mouse. I like when you are completely winning in an endgame, you can convert it without spending time. Otherwise it would be a lot of people running down their clock and trying to move when you don't expect it just to try to flag you.
Rickrenegade if premoves were more than .1 seconds they would be useless compared to hovering like 90% more of the time.
We need Premoves without them Penguingim1 would be like 1700 in bullet :P
@ForeverPatzer true but the 0.1 - 1.0 ratio seems a bit extreme when those final milli seconds in the end of bullet game is the difference between winning and losing. Just saying.
KKDav years ago I was very anti pre-move. I never used premove. Personally I would like to see a version of ultra, with no premove. Would be nice to be able to play non, premove, timescrambles, because the dynamic is different, and also interesting.
I have to say though, I do like zero second premoves. There is an interesting dynamic to them, and it kind of works. So I'm not opposed to premove games either.
As I said would be nice to be able to select that in a game seek. (premove or not tick box)

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