
there are still men who play 1. E4?

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What were these Ramses guys elos? They'd get clobbered by modern theory.
I had played it for 25 years. Now rather closed stuff.

Every once in a while I still go for it - like last friday in a final (otb).

Given a suitable amount of bitcoin, you can find men willing to play 1. e4 on the dark web.

And the hustlers in New York City's parks, they will play 1. e4 for a few dollars.
Why not?
Even though it's a classic opening, it is still decent, and there are a lot of moves to play when you play 1.e4...
in the mid-19th century, often called the romantic era of chess, the game was still played without clocks and defense was a dirty word. Howard Staunton, the great English player and unofficial world champion, wrote

When the men are first arranged in battle order, it is seen that the only Pieces which have the power of moving are the Knights, and that to liberate the others it is indispensably necessary to move a Pawn. Now as the King's Pawn, on being moved, gives freedom both to the Queen and to the King's Bishop, it is more frequently played at the beginning of the game than any other. - The Chess-Player's Handbook

When, 120 years later, U.S. Champion Robert J. (Bobby) Fischer wrote

Best by test. - My 60 Memorable Games

he was referring to the same move : 1.e4.

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