
how did you guys all join lichess?

I looked on the internet for playing chess games on line for free and I randomly chose Lichess . I think subconsciously I chose not the first one. My journey of on line chess could have been totally different if I had chosen cheesscom . I thank God I chose Lichess and not chesscom. It's like the film sliding doors . I was lucky to find such a lovely site xxx pure luck. And I'm very grateful. Thankyou Lichess xxx keep up the good work xxx SchizoSi xxx
I used Chessbase and Fritz8 and played on their server until Windows 7 came up and not allowed me to install my software any more.
So i had to spend a lot of money for newer products from chessbase plus that my Fritz8 came with livelong playing account and newer versions are limitet for one year and then you have to pay again.
I didn ́t like that!
So i did a resarch for free and shareware chess database and online playing.
I ended up with SCID database and Lichess in the first run.
Weanwhile i use the Hiarcs chess explorer as database. It doesn ́t cost much and has a better user interface in my opinion.
One day, I searched "free chess online" and I've fallen into chesscom, but I realized everything was premium and very expensive, the endgame drills, puzzles and even analysis board. I've searched a second time and I saw chesscom but right after it there was this "lichess", I came into the website and everything was gratuitous! analysis board, you can even play a game with "anonymous", it was really cool. So I decided to create an account and play on it!

Morals of the story: never make something for which you have to pay to get it.
My chess coach held tournaments and stuff and then I created an account. I liked Lichess a lot after that.
I am mod in Germany‘s biggest chess forum so I learned about lichess pretty early.
I came to know about it when a school friend told about it during a chess class. I am happy that I joined it.

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