
Do people actually get temporary banned?

Please point me to the FIDE rule that allows you to use your time as you please.
@lovlas who mentioned FIDE?

He said "according to official chees rules ".

I can confirm section 24a in the chees rulebook says you can use the clock as you please.

Please learn how to play chees!

Only when you leave many games in a row is temporarily banned first you banned 30 minutes and if you keep losing games or leaving them going up the time of the ban, the permanent ban is when they use some type of engine
Article #16 Revision 31.2: Authored Fenjamin Branklin:
"He who sits at the chess board has the power of the clock; allowing time to run out is unfortunate, but not against the rules."
you are allowed to think about a move for as long as u please during clock-chees, if time ran out and u 4got to move in time, how wud u be penalized anyway? ur penalty is u just lost the game on time! u gonna award double minus points or sumtin?? dorks..
besidez, if sum1 goes to win on me n iz just gonna mate in 1, its sychologiccel warfare, eh, to let me time ran out cuz itz bugz the opponent. no doubt he will then block n i will not have 2 play the same dude again that won over me, thus maximizing my chances for success=meeting playing less against dudes that won me, in any case most of my losses i was winning in gamez anyway and shud have won but my dog disturbed me or phone rang and then i blunder, without that i win for sure so i cuont many losses of me as winz, hope that makez sense everybody
Kurwaszef is one of those players. Left a game, started a new one, left that one then got lippy with me when I called him out on it.
You're missing the point PB. They're not banning for people running out of time but for abandoning games without resigning forcing the other player to wait on the clock.

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