
Do people actually get temporary banned?

... for letting time run out.
It's not the very point of the game, unsportsmanlike, and very anoying.
There is a warning in the chat, but it still happens regularly.
yes like currently am banned for having a poor internet and letting the clock run out in my last game and clearly i was better :(
Well, this is really bad for you ofc. But I think it's ok in general. People are here to play, and they are also not responsible for your bad connection.
Anyway, you are able to claim a win after some time, if someone goes offline. Thats not the same as someone who lets running down 15 minutes because his scholar's mate didn't work out properly.
Frankly, I think there may be a nonsense in this situation. But, on the other hand, it is the right of your opponent to enjoy the time that is guaranteed to him.

The time is there for playing chess, not for annoying your opponent by letting the time run out.
This time is meant to be used for thinking.
It is your right to use the full time, but it is an abuse of this right when you use it to troll other people. And by the way, not the actual point of chess.
Just the argument that these people have a right to this time may be enough for you to tolerate this behavior, but not for me and many others.
you can always let your time run out, according to official chees rules your clock time is yours to do as you please with
@PlatypousBlunderous you are right. It would not be too annoying, if it is, it is because 'snow flakes' people! The guy are wining, why he are angry? Anyway, in lichess you can play other game in other window...

Anyway, when they establish a punishment for this they are using intentionalism as the basis. "no matter the outcome, but the intention." That is, if the guy is actually thinking, looking at the board while press his head, then it is acceptable for him to use his time, but if he has shown that he is not really using his time (he went to the bathroom, left the room, etc.) that SAME time is different now ...

human being are ilogical in many ways...
I do agree that time given to players should be used to focus on playing the game. Who knows what goes behind the screen (it may even be an internet connection). It doesn't bug me if someone decides to use up all their time since I already planned to play that long when I click "find match".

What does bug me is when some blunder occurs, the player leaves and starts a completely new game. This is clearly an effort to draw out the clock and upset the other player. Which is why I say that if a player is a repeat offender in this case force the player to resign before they can start a new match.
Ofc do i start another game if i know they are not going to play on. But do i know it?
Actually, i know it when the following happens again:
- They offer a draw, and if you decline they say: "Then wait 10 minutes"... lol!
Seriously. Why can't people just give up? Whats so difficult in doing so?

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