
Do you know any chess GMs or IMs with a tested official IQ score less than 100?

This is not a question inviting speculation on how important IQ is to chess or whether chess makes you smarter. I'm simply interested in gathering known facts, if there are any. If you don't have any data points, now is a good time to scroll to the next post instead of replying with your own theories.

If you are, indeed aware of any titled player in this criteria, please let me know. Links to the relevant source(s) for claims would be awesome too. (Sorry if the tone of the post came off as rude, it's not meant to shame anyone - rather, the opposite. You can private message me if you know anyone!)
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No, it is impossible for a healthy (no accident, no illness, not 100 years old and so on) grandmaster.

> The average score for 16-17-year-olds is 108, which denotes normal or average intelligence.

What is an IQ test?

One example:

Every healthy average person recognizes this pattern. You can't tell me that a grandmaster isn't able to recognize this pattern.

By the way, you can train chess patterns and you can train IQ test patterns. If you have a low score in an IQ test (maybe you didn't inform yourself and you were surprised) than just train a little bit. To get 100 is really easy.
I don't know any chess grandmasters with an iq of 100 or lower, but I do know a cheese master that has a tested iq score in a test about cheese. He got 100 exactly! (Hint: starts with me, ends with me)

But actually, looking at this perspective, chess grandmasters can easily recognize patterns and iq tests have a lot of pattern questions in them. So looking at it that way, grandmasters could easily get a high iq. I think that's why it's so hard to find masters with an average iq.

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