
Accelerated Panov Attack

I never heard of this opening untill i was messing around in the analysis board. Initially it looked weird but after some research it turned out to be legit and a rather good opening against the caro-kann defense. I havent used in practice yet, does it work as good as it looks in theory??

I made a study on it for some lines that looked succesfull, if there are any improvements pls tell me :))
It works wonders! As white you usually get an isolated pawn, and the objective is simple- Try to push it down the board with enough preparation and start an attack in the middle of the board or on the kingside.

I introduced this to my friend who is 1100 on a more inferior chess website, and so far she has a 73% win rate after this position.
I thought playing d4 after recapture to follow the control of the center rule. However it is not a target on d2 which white looks for attacking development. If you could look up the middle game plans or see a game then that would be more helpful. I haven’t tried it in the fashion but plan to start soon. Look at the position 5-7 moves in. Do you understand the possibilities or does it not look comfortable?? Try a few games and see how they go (3-5). Good luck.
I have 30% 70% win loss rate with it ( over 46 games) still working on it but love it as an answer to Caro it's fun xxx

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