
What do VS Alapin c3 Sicilian?

You guys got any set-ups you like as Black VS Alapin?

Thanks for any and all responses.

2. / 3. ... Nf6 is my choice. Can also be used against Morra gambit.
1. e4 c5 2. c3 Nf6 3. e5 Nd5 4. d4 cxd4 5. cxd4 d6 6. Nf3 Nc6 7. Bc4 is the mainline. The computer evaluates this as +0 or +0.2.
I prefer d6/e6 delaying Nc6. In some lines Nd7, Qc7 or Bd7-c6 might be the better choice.
There are actually quite a few ways you can reply to the Alapin. I actually wrote a study on the opening long ago (shameless plug lol) that I think should at least give you the general ideas of the variations, even if it's not complete. I also found this on The Chess World: I haven't tried that myself, but it's an interesting idea nonetheless. Just let me know how it goes.
1.e4 c5 2.c3 e6 is another interesting option. Transpositions to French Defense type positions are common.

Have a look at some sample games:

You pretty much have to play Nf6 I think, otherwise white will have a slight edge
@YM17 And the 2... e6 lines transpose to the French defense advance variation (which usually gives at best minimal edge to white).
@A_0123456 Might be that engines say there is no edge for white in the Alapin.

But in practice, white is quite comfortable. At least I am:

I get 70% of points when playing the Alapin as white. And 20% when playin against it as black. (25% with the Rossolimo as black.)
(Compared to around 50% with the open Sicilians as black.)

I for now have stopped playing Sicilian as black because of those statistics. Have tried Gubinsky Melts and Smerdon Scandinavians without much success. Now I am trying Philidor.

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