
how do you approach 5+3 games?

hello,i wss wondering,what is your thinking proccess or philosophy when playing 5+3?

Are you playing for best moves or just pure fun,are you trying to be precise as possible,what?

how to play 5+3 and still have fun?
I play these games for exercise.
Blitz is too fast for me, I'm distracted by always being in check the time, and honestly I don't enjoy it much ( I like games where you try to calculate deeply, analyze calmly, so that you play to the best of your ability ).
But in this period I'm playing a lot of 5+3 : both to fix lines of play in mind, and because they are useful for me to speed up my decision times.
My thinking process ? I try to make the best move I can because that's the way I play, but of course that pays little because there is not enough time. As a result, a lot of mistakes and blunders, checkmates that you don't even see coming, shameful endings.
Anyway, I find it a good exercise for the reasons I mentioned before.
Here are a few valid options:

Option 1: Distract your opponent with chat.
Option 2: Go to the opponent's house and smash the opponent's chessboard.
Option 3: Disable all internet access for that said opponent.
Option 4: Destroy the country said opponent lives in.
Option 5: Take over Lichess, and give yourself all the wins.
Option 6: Take poetry classes and confuse your opponent with masses of poetry.
Option 7: Make marvellous art patterns on the chessboard, dazzling your opponent.
Option 8: Slow down time for yourself, then speed up time for everyone except the opponent when it is their move.
Option 9: Invade your opponent's keyboard and cause it to malfunction.
Option 10: Don't listen to anything I just said below.
I put most of my work into 10/5 and 15/10 so 5/3 is more to waste time and have fun. If I need to think one to two times deeply it allows that. My thought on the increment is to have the option to think very deep in a critical situation and not lose on time during an easy endgame, hence the reason increments were invented. You can also play 3-5 moves quickly and build up time if you are in low tone zone but critical moves.

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