
Why so much hate for Flagging

I think flagging is a Part of the game. You should be able to control your time. For those who are a bit slower in calculation there is Classical and for those who are faster than the others there is Blitz, Bullet and so on. But I think you should ban a player if he wants to flag you in a complete drawn position like King and Rook vs King and Rook. I had such problems very often where I had only 10 seconds on the clock and he had about 3 Minutes and he flagged me. After that I just directly banned and reported him.
So if you’re getting flagged, just report this player. If you have a complete drawn position don’t flag your opponent; just offer a draw: this gives you the best reputation from other players!..
It's not my goal to learn anything.
I play online chess for fun and to relax.
For me is ultra a sort of a challenge against the youngest generation. Trying to adapt to the spirit of today :-)
@Peng-win What? I understand that right? You report a Player for Flagging? When that is true, lichess should bann you from the Platform. When you unable to checkmate, and thinking about every Move like there is no time limit, then it is your Problem.

You can block that user, but report? That is abusing of Report-function on lichess. Thats my mind of this.
You want to win and not to do a draw when the opponent has 10 seconds. Flagging is winning. The position, if this is a draw or losing, is not very important, just if you want to analyse the game.
DonDoller you think you are so amazing and smart. You do not own lichess so stop acting so prideful and bossy
@JustKeepItMarshX_X I report you now! You seems be a Troll that have fun to annoying people. You dont check, that most of your posts get thumbsdowns?
You are not the brightest. It's okay, but do you have to rub it under everyone's nose? Just childish and silly what you do.

@DonDoller Good one.
Embarrassing in a chess community. He seems to be a pretty poor sausage. Don't let yourself down to its level. There he defeats you with his experience.
Have you guys seen that Peng-win is playing rapid chess?!
Well, as said above, time is a part of the game (also in rapid).
As it probably hurts much more to lose a slower game in "bullet-style" I would simply recommend you to play with increment.
I think, that all games longer than 8 minutes should always be played with +X seconds, so it wont get into a mess at the end.
I think flagging is worse than cheating. Flagging makes internet chess a dumb fast-mouseclicking computer game.

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