
people who Freeze ratings for years

@Sarg0n said in #10:
> I stopped at 2412 to preserve it forever.
> Now I reached 2426 with a 2nd anon. account. Sic!

With your third account you can stop playing on Christmas Day
How Cold of them ... If you suspect someone of sandbagging then report the issue please
@SchizoSi said in #5:
> I mean if I beat a 2000 as a 1500 why does my rating not jump to 1750, halfway between those ratings xxx and so on xxx an average why is the ratings system not based on an average of the players xxx

Doesn't that inflate the numbers? If you are 2500 and you beat a 3000 player you go from GM to Super GM in one game. Who do you think you are? Son of Jor-El?
@ChiefBurrito said in #13:
> Doesn't that inflate the numbers? If you are 2500 and you beat a 3000 player you go from GM to Super GM in one game. Who do you think you are? Son of Jor-El?
Well I don't know any 3000 players . I had messiah complex in the early years of my illness . I've never thought I was superman! don't think I'll try flying not that delusional
atm Ha ha ha ha xxx much love SchizoSi xxx
@Amitinga said in #1:
> What is your opinion?
> Because that's what else they have on this site. People stopped at 1500? and those are the tolerable ones, are there worse ones, the ones that stop at 1300? and win players with a rating above 2000, not to mention those who manipulate the rating on purpose. People with frozen ratings since 2017 pretending to be inexperienced to inflate their egos.
> Also incredible are the ones that are rated better in bullet than in blitz. Something from another planet.
Freeze ratings? are they in the freezer?
@ThunderClap said in #12:
> How Cold of them ... If you suspect someone of sandbagging then report the issue please

I've already reported several sandbagging, the site doesn't care because these people don't participate in any tournaments worth points

and it's hard to prove he did something wrong, maybe he doesn't want to play for points anymore for 6 years after creating the account.
@MasterOvFan said in #15:
> Freeze ratings? are they in the freezer?

I saw this term on some website.

I find it complicated to accuse them of sandbagging for holding their ratings since 2015, maybe they have improved a lot in these 7 years and want to continue beating the levels that they PRETEND to be above them.

Some can't resist the puzzle and there we see 2500 to 2600 level in puzzles. Quite high level for a supposed 1300?
Puzzle ratings can be quite a bit higher than regular ratings even normally
>Also incredible are the ones that are rated better in bullet than in blitz

There is absolutely nothing strange about that.

>I find it complicated to accuse them of sandbagging for holding their ratings since 2015

Plenty of people have stopped improving.

Once you start writing stuff like that, it's hard to take anything you else you say seriously.

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