
coming up with a training schedule

Hello, I need help, I want to get to advanced level (1900-3000 ELO) in chess, but i want to be around 2100-2200 what kind of shedule would u recommend & how many breaks a week so i don't get burned out(like i did when i was 14 &quit playing up until last year when i restarted learning & studying), but i know tactics is what i should REALLY focus on, but for how long each day?
Think of chess like a subject in college. How long would you be ready to listen to a particular subject and how much time would you then spend studying the subject material?

For me: Chess is visual and if I write my moves, it is easier for me to remember the main lines.

I focus on studying material by reading or listening to a subject for about 15 minutes, then I try to practice the subject until it sinks in. After an hour, I had enough.

Do puzzles like a test. Each puzzle is a question, so give your self about a minute to find a solution. The test lasts as long as your rating continues to increases.

This is what I routinely do:

15 strategic puzzles
40 tactical puzzles (4 - 10 move depth)
10 endgame puzzles (various types)
once-a-week attendance at a local chess club

Grandmasters both have insane by-the-second positional understanding and tactical calculation (the correct calculation, that is).

Since you are already an adult and given your current level of play I'd say 2100-2200 is a tough call, if not close to impossible. Let alone >2200.

I really don't want to discourage you, not at all, but so many have tried and hardly anybody has succeeded.
I'd say try to get to, say, 1800 first and then pick your next goal. Getting from 1400/1500 to 1800 is not nearly as easy as it might sound.
Until 2300, its all tactics. After that technique is required. Technique means endgame of course. I assume that you already have special openings in your arsenal.

So openings + tactics training until the elo 2300 and after that put advanced endgame training (strongly suggest Kasparian's studies).
My rating is around 1800. I have played chess in and out for 3 years. I mean not really concentrated on chess among other stuffs in life. But now am trying to concentrate and take chess seriously as sport or some scientific research or so. Because to become a better player, one needs good schedule of rest and train and good motivation to continue playing chess. I found out that physical exercises and good sleep really effects your game quality. Since we all are playing and studying on computer, have to follow good schedule as sitting and staring display too long makes you "dumb". Any suggestions to 1800 player is asked.
Good luck all chess players here!


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