
What is the difference between inaccuracy mistake and blunder?

I'm trying to understand what the analysis board computer means by these terms. Would someone explain them for me? thanks in advance
A inaccuracy is when the computer is unsure about your move but they think it's bad, a mistake is when you make a bad move, and a blunder is when a move changed the game, ex: you blunder your queen.
These are terms which 'scale' with rating ...

For example, does 'inaccuracy' even anything when you're 500 ?

And for a grandmaster hanging a pawn somewhere in the middle is always a blunder ...

When I drop a piece for no reason it's a blunder.

When a GM 'drops' the square e4 on move such-and-such of line C32-11.4 it's a blunder ...

What am I even saying ?
Its the diffference in score between the position before your move and the position after on a centipawn score computed by the engine.
Obviously if there is a big minus difference it is a 'blunder', a small one its just simply an 'inaccuracy' etc
For example I have a position and it is scored +1.20 in my favour, I make a move and suddenly its -2.43.....thats a blunder!
@petri999 said in #7:
> Has not been about centipawns for many year. Lichess is opensource so just study the source
> Server makes estimate of probability of win for best and players move and change on those big enough then it is mistake and and bit bigger it will be a blunder. Pretty similar analysis as is calculation of accuracy
What do you mean by 'it hasnt been about centipawns' ALL computer analysis is about a centipawn score I dont get what that link is supposed to show exactly its just all code?!
Analysis is on centipawns then this changed to a win probability - it not just code it the code only real reliable document on how it happens..

Centipawns alone are not allways good measure. Id score is -600 already it really makes no difference if you find best move or one that makes is -700. Dead lost anyway

If you don't like exact presentations then there is this
Inaccuracy is nothing, just Stockfish telling you "Yeah sure but this is better, better is better".
Mistake is like it says, a mistake. It's something you overlooked but not a big deal.
Blunder is a move so bad the bar does down very fast and your opponent could win on the spot.

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