
Castling under attack??

Hey guys, unless the rules have changed, I know that when a piece is attacking a square between the king and the rook, castling is not allowed.
Well, see this game
My bishop is attacking the b1 square and to my surprise my opponent could castle. Is this allowed?
The exact rule is not "when a piece is attacking a square between the king and the rook, castling is not allowed", but the rule is "if the king would be put in check while moving to the destination square, castling is not allowed". Your bishop attacks b1, but the king only moves through e1, d1 and c1. So the bishop is not a problem here.
You're completely wrong. The king is not allowed to castle "through" the check, but the rook is. First and last and always.
It is only where the king crosses an attacked square that castling is not allowed; the rook (as here) moving through an attacked square is fine.
Lanoc is correct. The King may not move thro an attacked square but the rook can. The move as shown is legal.
@ProgramFOX You are right, but not completely accurate: castling also isn't allowed when the rook is under attack (obviously in this case the king would not always be put in check while moving to the destination square).
the rook can be under attack i'm pretty sure
Castling is allowed as long as.
1. The king has not moved.
2. The rook has not moved.
3. You are castling horizontally along the first or eighth rank or ranks.
4. You are not castling into, through or out of check.
5. All the pieces between the king and rook are clear. Meaning a legal rook move to Rd1 or Rd8 is legal queenside. And if kingside castles Rf1/Rf8 must be a legal move.
@ProgramFOX @Rise I have to borrow my words back and apologize, I checked the rules and, indeed, I was wrong. I am shocked that I discover this now for the first time of my chess career. Life can bring such suprising things :)
The ways of the Checky Check are opening up to you blacKitten13. Use this moment to internalize the knowledge of your struggle and become one with the 64 squares of destiny.

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