
I think I'm stuck on 2000

First of all, I wish you happy new year! This post is about my performance in chess. I think 6 months ago I have reached an average performance rating of 2000 on Lichess. I have tried studying parts of the game I believe to be my weakness. I have practiced a lot and I'm still staying at around 2000. My highest rating on this site was 2131 points in rapid chess and that was before my school studies (May 2019). Since then, my rating fell to 2000 and it does not rise. Have I reached the limits of advancing through rating levels? I'm a very young person (15) and I believe with right methods I could improve my play even more, but I'm stuck for some time on this 2000 rating. I suppose I either advanced in play to the limit or I don't train correctly. I'm aware it's much harder to climb from 2000 to 2200 then from 1200 to 1800. At least that's my case.
I would like to hear from you.
I’d say the thing to do now would be to have a good in-depth look at every game you lose (or play). Why did you lose, where did you go wrong, improvements you could have made. If you see you lose games because of tactics, study tactics etc.

Another tactic that got me over the 2000 barrier was to play harder players. I always searched much higher than my rating in the pool (maybe 100-150 points higher) for a month or so and tested myself against players clearly better than me.

There are two things that helped me, I hope you all the best!
Thank you for your time and the opinion. I most of the times analyse my games (doesn't matter if I won or lost) and take a look at engine evaluation at some points in the game where I was confused about which move to make or on critical tactical points. Maybe I should reconstruct my opening repertoire.
Thank you again for being kind enough to take your time and express your opinion!
Let us look at an example

You seem unaware of your king security and you show poor defence.

"Maybe I should reconstruct my opening repertoire."
That is a sure way not to progress. Opening study is a bottomless time sink with no real reward.

"I most of the times analyse my games (doesn't matter if I won or lost)"
Analyse losses only, but analyse these more thoroughly.
Analysing your wins is fun but does not help you.
@tpr Please stop with your gibberish.

@Dario19503 I recall that I also reached a plateau at 2000. I have come to learn that progress is rarely linear and that patience and hard work pays off even though it may take time for one's rating to reflect that progress. Just keep practising and playing and you will improve!
I am keeping my level roughly for 20 years. ;) Playing strength got broader not higher^^

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