
Improving alot in the next 2 days!! Help!

Hi, I go to my local high school and we have a suburban chess meeting on Saturday. This is going to be over the board and I need help optimizing to be the best chess player yet. If I do well in this tournament I could make the top 8 on the team and play for the state. In my other account, (this account is for trying new openings) I am rated about 1700 in blitz. I play the Queen's Gambit as white, and scanadavion defense as black. Any tips to being the most improved player before the tournament. I have up to 3 hours of chess playing so I could learn basically anything not crazy hard. Any help?
Forget about it. Improvement takes some time.

Good luck though.
you cant improve your chess game drasticaly in only a few days, but you can make sure your body will be in peak condition
make sure you are hydrated, have enough sleep, have some carbs the day before and so on
dont stress yourself too, its not a life or death situation, it's just chess
@SecretChessAccount said in #1:
> Hi, I go to my local high school and we have a suburban chess meeting on Saturday. This is going to be over the board and I need help optimizing to be the best chess player yet. If I do well in this tournament I could make the top 8 on the team and play for the state. In my other account, (this account is for trying new openings) I am rated about 1700 in blitz. I play the Queen's Gambit as white, and scanadavion defense as black. Any tips to being the most improved player before the tournament. I have up to 3 hours of chess playing so I could learn basically anything not crazy hard. Any help?
Watch gothamchess videos on how to win closed positions, how to plan, endgames etc
Good luck, but improvement can't happen in 2 days it takes time anyways All the Best again..(:
Well 2 days isn't very long, but you could stop showering and grooming and show up to the tournament with the stench of a true and natural chess player, which will help you to win your games. Of course times are crazy and some of your opponents may have lost their sense of smell in which case your best bet is to stare directly and intently at the space between their eyebrows.

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