
How to adverzise my team

@Chessremiss said in #1:
> How can i advertise my team without violating lichess's rules?

1) Put a link in your bio
2) Write blogs for said team
3) Ask your friends to join!

Teams grow naturally - the more people you get into your team, the smoother the sailing will be.

Good luck!
@Chessremiss said in #12:
> how

If you're replying to @ZIDAN_S -

1) Make a new team tournament
2) In the description, list prizes. By far the fastest way to get people into a team is to bribe with money. I wouldn't though! :)
3) Ideally insisting on a certain number of people (I.e. 20) to start the tournament will help to get more people in so it's worth the prize.
4) Just run said tourney!
@TPT2010 said in #5:
> You won't get many views on your blog tho
Not necessarily, my blog got a very generous amount of views considering how many people actually know me on Lichess... and I was playing a game against a random person, and they mentioned in the chat that they saw my blog
@kit_kat1122 said in #16:
> Not necessarily, my blog got a very generous amount of views considering how many people actually know me on Lichess... and I was playing a game against a random person, and they mentioned in the chat that they saw my blog
That's cuz u made a blog about bullying, not about teams
@greenteakitten said in #14:
> If you're replying to @ZIDAN_S -
> 1) Make a new team tournament
> 2) In the description, list prizes. By far the fastest way to get people into a team is to bribe with money. I wouldn't though! :)
> 3) Ideally insisting on a certain number of people (I.e. 20) to start the tournament will help to get more people in so it's worth the prize.
> 4) Just run said tourney!

Money is NOT an optionv

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