
How to adverzise my team

"Team for Atomic players with cherry blossom flair, and Nadeko flowers farmers.

If you want to enter this team and stay in it, you must have the Cherry Blossom flair! (You can change your flair in your profile settings.)"

This is surely a proven way to get lots of new members...
@TPT2010 said in #17:
> That's cuz u made a blog about bullying, not about teams

I will say my team's newsletter does get a decent amount of views! But that's also because it has more members, so that's the thing - you kinda just have to build your way up @Chessremiss . :)
@ZIDAN_S said in #22:
> well @greenteakitten said you
> Yes ik money is a expense that's why I suggested logo
> If you want to know about how to create logo priv message me
How can i give a logo as a price
@Chessremiss said in #24:
> How can i give a logo as a price

Create a logo, upload on Imgur. You can give it to players who play for your team in tournaments
@kit_kat1122 said in #16:
> Not necessarily, my blog got a very generous amount of views considering how many people actually know me on Lichess... and I was playing a game against a random person, and they mentioned in the chat that they saw my blog
Heeey nothing to do with team subject but I like your blog !
@CSKA_Moscou said in #28:
> Monney and ebook are illegal, not logo

Wait I think money is allowed. About Logo prizes, I guess we should ask Jeffforever

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