
why kb is fair.

#29, this isn't just playing with a faster input method. It's a method with completely different capabilities. The fact that it's ultrabullet doesn't really matter. If the application just used a keyboard but respected the same underlying mechanics, I don't think that would be a problem. But this clearly allows players to do things that are far beyond what is possible using any other method, not because it's from a keyboard, but because the application is programmed in such a way to circumvent the basic mechanics of the site.
It isn’t about whether you can strictly speaking technically argue that it is fair and technically within the rules of lichess. Just look at the clip. Is this what ultrabullet has come to?

@Shadow1414 - is this what you want in every single game, where everyone uses keyboard?
#32: Well, it doesn’t sound very enjoyable, but I don’t use KB, don’t play ultra bullet often, and am not very good - so I can’t tell.

To be honest: All I really care about in this KB debate is whether KB is unfair or not.
The multiple premove argument is garbage. After watching the video in #24 it's pretty obvious to me that multiple premoves, especially in combination with keyboard, should not be allowed.
@Shadow1414 imagine a boxing match where after two rounds if the match isn't decided yet you toss a coin to decide the winner.
Would you call it fair?

Argument in favour of fair: both opponents have the same chances.
Argument against: this means that the winner isn't necessarily the most skilled at boxing.
Argument in favour: maybe the winner isn't the most skilled at boxing, but this specific sport isn't boxing, it is "boxing-plus-toss-a-coin".

At this point in the debate, one may of course ask why would anyone even play boxing-plus-toss-a-coin in the first place. Since I don't and I have no clue why would people do, I would personally just stay away from the debate.
if anyone wants to compete with kb and they cant do it without it, they simply should become kb themselves. easy.
<Comment deleted by user>
To fight back against kb download a vpn to increase your lag, it works perfectly!

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