
Draw or self-mate somehow?

Hi all, a friend of mine finished a game in this position: 5K2/6p1/8/4B3/8/5k2/4q3/4q3 b - - 7 66 (see ), where his opponent only has a bishop. Why did my friend lose the game when his time ran out, why was it not a draw?
Out of all hypothetical self-mates I could only think of king+bishop vs king+bishop, but that only works with opposite colored bishops. Why is this game not a draw, where is the possibility for mate for white?
Creativity ;) I'm sure you know the B vs N mate. Hypothetically everything can happen.

So many ways, and I couldn't find even one.. Thanks all!
A practical move was 64...Qxd6+ 65.Kxd6 g5 is very easy and fast promoting the pawn and chekmate the white king with two queens. And if the times rules out is draw.

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