
What is your favourite response to 1.b4?

What is your favourite response to 1.b4, the Sokolsky opening? 1...e5 can lead to the exchange of the b4-pawn for the one on e5. Consequently, the game will be open. 1...d5 provokes frequently a semi-open positional play. Of course, there are other replies to 1.b4. What is your favourite?
Usually 1... e6 to any move from my oponent
Interesting question Professor74. I also like 1...f6, followed by 2...e5.
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It’s often smart to reply 1. e4 e5, 1. d4 d5, so why not 1. b4? b5!! :)
My preparation against 1.b4 is still lacking, but I have had some good results playing 1...e5 2.Bb2 d6 3.Nf3 a5 4.b5 Bf5.
@Professor74 said in #1:
> What is your favourite response to 1.b4, the Sokolsky opening?

1. b4 is just silly, bro ... seems like there must be at least half-a-dozen reasonable replies ...
I think ...a5 is pretty normal too. I never know what I am going to play.

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