
Breaking The Silence Online

Thanks for sharing your experiences. Sorry you have to go through this.

With a game like chess, which is played in virtually every country on earth, you'd think we would be more welcoming to all players, regardless of gender.
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Yes, I admit I play a lot as anon now without logging in
They cant say anything to me there as chat is disabled and they cant communicate at all

A lot of them cheat but whats new ,and at least its a free theory lesson if they do.
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@STR00PWAFEL said in #26:
> Sorry Lichess Mods... I didn't know you couldn't say anything other than being completely supportive of whatever the topic is in a public forum. I did not swear or say anything abusive. I merely disagreed and pointed out a different perspective. Just like I said... being the victim is key these days. No one is allowed to disagree, or you get banned or silenced just like what happened to my post.

You didn't need to come and spectate my games either but you did...
@QueenRosieMary said in #29:
> You didn't need to come and spectate my games either but you did...

Was seeing if the comment made about if you knew how to move a knight was accurate or not.
@STR00PWAFEL said in #30:
> Was seeing if the comment made about if you knew how to move a knight was accurate or not.

I think perhaps you have not been on the receiving and of this kind of stuff ?

I just experienced another one where a man asked me know what
Its not all