
Let's rate variants

Curious answers! After 2-3 pages I'll try to gather them all into single combined rating. Using some weighted system, of course.
Just don't forget to add general chess mark, please.

P.S. Can't believe horde is disliked, seriously :)
Acenoob you can't rate any variants ' 0 ' ... I don't play Anti and Zh but I give them 3 as it is a variant and need some support ... At least have some respect to variants ... There are many players who like those variants ...
I will rate from 1 to 9
Atomic: 9
Antichess: 8
Racing kings: 7
Chess: 6
Three check: 5
Crazyhouse: 4
King of the hill: 3
Chess 960: 2
Horde: 1
I would obliterate crazyhouse and all mention of it from the planet Earth - and I still gave it a 1 rating. That's charity for ya
Chess: 8
Chess960: 7.5
Crazyhouse: 7
Atomic: 6
Racing Kings: 9
3check: - (7.5)
KoTH: - (5)
Horde: - (3)
Antichess: - (5.5)
Chess = 10
Crazyhouse: 8
Chess960: 3
King of the Hill: 7
Three-check: 7
Antichess: 9.3
Atomic: 4
Horde: 2
Racing Kings: 8.4
I mostly like chess.There is no chess no other variants.

3 check=90%
Racing kings=38%
Chess: 10
Crazyhouse: --
Chess960 : 3
King of the Hill: 8
Three-check: 8
Antichess : 9
Atomic: --
Horde: 6
Racing Kings: 5
Chess: 10
Crazyhouse: 8
Chess960 : 4
King of the Hill: 8
Three-check: 8
Antichess : 3
Atomic: 7
Horde: 1
Racing Kings: 3

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