
Chess Improvement for everyone!!

Hello ChessFriends,

Almost everyday, i read here and there a post about someone looking for help to get better at chess.
A friend of mine and I decided a few years ago to become ChessCoaches.
Our idea is offering help to beginners and intermediate players at unbeatable price !
Why are we so cheap ?
Well, first, the money we got from our coaching isn't for our living. The main reason we are still coaching and helping other chess players is because we enjoy this ! We really like the work and the improvement of the student.
With the few bucks we got from lessons, we buy new chess material (for us and for our students) and sometimes pay for a small personal pleasure (a tournament inscription or a new headset).
As i said in the beggining of the post, everyday I check forums like this one or reddit.
So I know there are a lot of coaches available, the question is why would you choose one of us ?
There is no good answer for that question : I could tell you that you gonna win 200 rating point in 2 weeks or that you will improve without any effort with my miracle coaching plan but none of that would be the truth.
I could also argue that most of the guys we helped improved significantly, but how could you be sure that you will do the same ?
So our idea is pretty simple :
We offer to everyone a FREE lesson (1h-1h30 in English, German or French) !
When I say free, it means 100% free, there is no downside or obligation for you !
During this lesson, you will be able to make your own opinion about our work : do you like the way we teach ? do we have a good contact together ? And any other detail that may be important in the choice of a ChessCoach.
After the lesson, if you're not interested in taking one more for any reason, then you just have to say "thanks for the session" and continue your chess journey.
The only risk you're taking by contacting us is to have a great moment with an other chess player and eventually learn something along the way !

So for those who want to take that risk, you can send me a private message.

Thanks for reading and I wish you all the best on the board and in your life!
I personally know ChessCoachforYou_de and can say that they are very good players and great teachers! There's no risk to trying out a free lesson too.
I have easilly improved somewhat 200 rating points after some lessons with this guy, difinativilly recomend
Hello! I Would Like To Do The Session. In My Opinion, Players Tend To Learn More From A Players That Are Up To 200+ Rated, Than From A GM Or An IM. It's Easier To Follow The Thought Process. I Think There Are Many 1900, 2000 Rated Self-thought Players Here On LiChess That Need Just A Little Push To Get Better, On A New Level. I'll Be Looking Forward To It!
Hello, thanks for the answers guys !
@MattyB @gokuba the one you personnally know is me (i'm the french one of the duo :D).
Thanks for your support, I truly appreciate it.

@Matejko1997 @billy_ombima we appreciate your interest, we gonna contact you in private message during the day !

See you and have good games !
I don't know how to begin on how helpful the lessons are. I've been taught for a few months and I saw my rating improve from 1250 to 1600 in about a month. The lessons are not a waste of time. With many tutors, it takes four of five lessons to finally see little improvement, but when taking these lessons, the first one introduced me to a whole new level of play, and I saw my rating jump. Over the past month, I took a break from the game to focus on school work a little more. As my interest for the game creeps back to me, I haven't hesitated to request another lesson. Before our first lesson we set a goal. I dreamed of reaching 1500 on LiChess and imagined doing so in about a year. But wow did a learn a lot. My time management got better, and I started looking deeper into positions. My rating reached 1600 a month after our first lesson. If you have any questions about my journey, don't hesitate to shoot me a message.
I can highly recommend this guy. He has a very good chess understanding, but is also a very good teacher and is able to teach but simple and more complex concepts in a way that is easy to follow and understand. I have taken the free lesson and there is absolutely no risk in taking it, they will not pressure you to continue, it is only a good opportunity to see if you like their way of teaching. Will recommend for anyone from beginner to advanced.

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