
i am on a losing streak now, need help

just dropped from 2030 in correspondence to 1980, what should i do?
OP, just take a short break.
Reflect, what has been happening? Are you more stressed, have you lost attention-span, etc.?
In case you can pinpoint what is the problem - tackle it! Exercise both mentally and physically.
Look at some (free) educational material - there is countless of stuff out there.
Come back, refreshed, and view the journey as the goal - it shouldn't matter, what rating you have.
It shouldn't even matter, if you are winning or not. Just enjoy the game.
Just enjoy the game.
@hydroshadow Well I will just say that I think a drop of 50 points is utterly unimportant. Ratings go up and down all the time, and where it happens to be now is mostly irrelevant. Just focus on improving your skills, and eventually, perhaps weeks or months behind, your rating will follow.
If high rating rather than high playing level is your focus, you will have a difficult time I guess.
If you drop anything less than 200 points, just don't worry about it. I once dropped 150 points in bullet, and stayed that way for months, until something finally clicked and I gained all the points back plus extra. People are not primarily consistent beings, and fluctuation in rating is just part of life as a chess player. The idea is to move the average of the fluctuation up as time goes on.
I lost 100 points in blitz. Then I got into a bar fight with a veterinarian. He started it. Kicked his ass. Then I regained 80 of those lost blitz points. Sometimes you gotta think outside the box.

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